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15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

Phone: 0335 5533-300
Email: service@stadtwerke-ffo.de

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Transition planning for a climate-neutral district heating network

The successful shaping of the district heating transition is currently one of the most important projects at Frankfurter Stadtwerke. The aim is to transform the city’s heat supply into a climate-neutral one by 2045 at the latest. The transformation plan, known as Trafoplan for short, is a key milestone on this path and is funded by the federal programme ‘Efficient district heating networks’.

    • What is district heating?

      District heating consists of supplying heat to buildings for heating and hot water. Heat is supplied to buildings in the form of hot water from the Am Hohen Feld CHP plant via our district heating network.

    • What are the advantages of district heating?

      District heating is produced in an efficient and environmentally friendly manner on the

      cogeneration principle. In addition to heat, electricity is generated simultaneously. District heating is safe and reliable.

    • What is a transformation plan?

      The transformation plan shows how we can achieve greenhouse gas neutrality in our district heating network by 2045 at the latest. The Transformation Plan includes key project milestones consisting of an analysis of the current situation and potential and target scenarios with implementation steps.

    • What options are currently being explored?

      Together with partners, Frankfurt's district heating network will be analysed as a whole over the next few months, and the possibilities of switching to renewable energy and building a predominantly renewable network, as well as a possible expansion of the network, will be intensively investigated.

      From large heat pumps and the use of waste heat or biomass to the expansion of heat storage, all possible technologies will be included in the considerations. Geothermal energy can also play a role in the reorganisation of the district heating network.

    • How is the current state of the district heating network determined?

      Together with the Frankfurt housing associations, technical data on the district heating network and the buildings being supplied were recorded and analysed. In order to take into account current and future requirements as accurately as possible, we also need the support of other customers and partners during the project. We will contact them if necessary.

      Possible sources of renewable heat are already being recorded and analysed in parallel with the data collection.

    • How will the district heating network be operated in a climate-neutral manner in the future?

      We are developing options for renewable heat supply solutions for all sections of the network. The use of decentralised heat sources will play a major role. Possible heat sources include: surface heat from the ground at depths of up to about 150 metres, geothermal heat from warm thermal waters at depths of 1,000 metres or more or seawater, solar heat with long-term storage and, on a smaller scale, the use of biomass. Waste heat, for example from air conditioning systems or commercial/industrial processes, can also be used. The direct use of renewable electricity, for example from photovoltaic systems, is also one element.

      With large heat pumps, environmental and waste heat can be brought to the required temperature level for our district heating network or for decentralised supply islands.

    • When will the transformation plan be ready?

      The aim is to have a transformation plan in place by September 2025 so that the first construction activities can begin immediately after this date. For our customers, the transformation plan provides certainty about where, when and to what extent the climate-neutral heat from the Stadtwerke can be used in the future.

      We want to start implementing the first construction measures as early as 2026

    • Where can I find out if my building can be connected to the district heating network?

      If you are interested in connecting to the district heating network, please use our connection form on our website https://www.stadtwerke-ffo.de/waerme/netzanschluss/.

      We will review your enquiry and get back to you.

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